About Elban Group

Import Solutions
At Elban Group, we deliver comprehensive import services with precision and efficiency. With over 13 years of experience in international trade, our team of Import and Export Coordinators specializes in managing global supply chains and facilitating smooth import operations between non-EU countries and the European Union.
At Elban Group, we deliver comprehensive import services with precision and efficiency. With over 13 years of experience in international trade, our team of Import and Export Coordinators specializes in managing global supply chains and facilitating smooth import operations between non-EU countries and the European Union.We help companies to grow internationally. , we help companies to grow internationally.
We handle every aspect of the import process, from logistics coordination and security assessments to ensuring compliance with EU regulations. With access to over 1,500 trusted suppliers across 12+ countries, we guarantee our clients high-quality products at competitive prices.
At Elban Group, we’re committed to your success in the global market. Our expertise spans negotiating supplier terms, international shipping, and delivering on-time and compliant imports. Whether you’re new to international trade or seeking reliable import support, we provide tailored solutions to meet your business needs.

Let Elban Group handle your import logistics and streamline your path to global growth..
Highly qualified merchant, negotiator, analyst and consultant. Education related to international economics and the theoretical foundations of foreign trade, enriched by more than 12 years of real work in the field of import, during which she went through a difficult path from an import/export specialist to a business owner. After several attempts to organize a business with external partners, she and her husband decided to create a business, combining skills for the benefit of customers. She came from Ukraine in 2010, went through the entire legalization process herself before obtaining citizenship in Poland and really knows how to help her clients. Her strengths include effective planning, practical knowledge of international procurement and experience in multiple industries in 8 countries around the world, as well as a unique ability to reduce unit costs and the ability to solve any problem in a short time.handlu międzynarodowym i wykształceniem w ekonomii międzynarodowej, handlu zagranicznym oraz zarządzaniu finansami. Specjalizuję się w optymalizacji kosztów oraz organizacji logistyki międzynarodowej. Karierę rozpoczęłam jako specjalistka ds. importu i eksportu, a z czasem z sukcesem przekształciłam się w przedsiębiorcę. Posiadam bogate doświadczenie w importie i eksporcie, a przez lata budowałam długotrwałe i poufne relacje z dostawcami i partnerami. Jako mama trójki dzieci, opanowałam sztukę zarządzania czasem i priorytetyzacji.
Efficient and competent manager with more than 10 years of experience in working with clients in the field of IT consulting, international education and experience in import and export both in Poland and abroad. It quickly and accurately determines the needs of customers and finds optimal solutions. Thanks to a high level of communication, he is able to build positive and effective business relationships with customers, subcontractors, suppliers and carriers. The experience of living and working in different countries allows him to easily find a common language in any environment and culture, which greatly facilitates his knowledge of English, Turkish, Russian and Polish.ponad 10 lat doświadczenia pracy w dużych międzynarodowych korporacjach, buduję naszą firmę na zasadach wysokiego profesjonalizmu i jakości usług. Łącząc najlepsze światowe praktyki ze zrozumieniem potrzeb małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw, gwarantujemy doskonałe wyniki w każdym projekcie. Moje wykształcenie inżynierskie oraz ponad 10-letnie doświadczenie w globalnych projektach umożliwiły mi zdobycie dogłębnej wiedzy w zakresie zarządzania ryzykiem i prowadzenia skomplikowanych operacji. Moja specjalizacja obejmuje dokładną ocenę ryzyka oraz zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa i efektywności projektów, zwłaszcza w obszarze importu specjalistycznego sprzętu, linii produkcyjnych oraz systemów elektrycznych i elektronicznych.
Contact us for reliable international shipping from China and Asia
Are you looking for reliable international transportation services from China and Asia? Contact Elban Group today to discuss how our logistics expertise can support your business around the world.
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